Tactical Studies Series: Point of Attack, Tigers Unleashed Program Change List Additional Playtester Credits: Michael Motzkus, Peter Fisla, Jason Rimmer. Additional Graphics Credits / Game Symbols: Jason Rimmer, Vito 'JMass' Pentassuglia. Change Type: * = Corrections + = Additions ============================= 03 Mar 23: POA v2.5.30 TU v1.02.30 ============================= * Fixed situation where some Maneuver Groups would ignore the "Wait" conditions at an Intermediate objective and would immediately keep moving to the next one. * Corrected situation where a Maneuver Group would never "achieve its objective", when a unit got caught in a traffic jam and couldn't reach its assigned final location. Groups assigned to "wait for all to arrive", would sit and wait and never move to next Intermediate Objective. * Fixed an error in the road stacking limit model that caused extraneous "Jam/Traffic congestion" messages. * Eliminated "access error" when [Translate Orders] report button clicked on Unit Movement Form when no units selected ("Focus Unit" not set). * Fixed situation where some buttons on the Unit Movement Form were not being enabled/disabled correctly. * Adjusted "indents" in some forms and displays to better account for the original force structure, such as in the staff officer. * Fixed to redraw Force Set Up Form (Place Units on Map) properly when toggling composite units. * Corrected problem resetting the "Break Roads" value in the TEC editor. Could not be reset to "No". * Added a check to make sure that at least one unit in a force is always designated as the default TF HQ in terms of reporting to "Above TF" * Corrected the Set Hexline Display Widths Form where the pixel width values were not being displayed correctly and could not be edited. * Fixed an access error when placing new IP's on the map. * Fixed an issue where units placed in support by the AI (and thus stopped from moving) were not also running down any current/leading pause/wait commands in their orders. * Corrected an issue when carriers were waiting excessively long times for passenger units to arrive, but the passengers either didn't have orders to the load loc, or weren't able to move there. * Fixed LOS Cross-Section Display where the graphics weren't being shown correctly or at all. * Corrected EEFACE error when simply scrolling over the map in certain TU scenarios. * Fixed bomb-drop process when attacking aircraft would not always expend the full number of bombs set in the air mission values (now they do barring a malfunction, etc). * Fixed SOP hold back orders being applied to Composite Units "behind the scenes". Sometimes the units would never move, and sometimes they would move one location/hex per pulse, even if faster than their ordered or max speed. * Fixed a problem when issuing some orders to Composite Units. These orders were sometimes being duplicated or truncated and may have caused Access/EEFACE errors. * Corrected possible issues of movement slow-down or stoppage when the HQ sub-unit of a composite unit was loaded on a carrier from the same sub-unit * Map view wasn't being reset when clearing a unit's orders. * Fixed issue where Display Name Settings weren't being saved for Player #2 (Main Menu | Display | Unit Display | Set Name Format or Main Menu | Preferences | Display Tab [Set Unit Name Format] or on empty section of Force Tree). * Adjusted table column auto-resizing routines to apply changes in the table width more effectively across all columns. + Added "LOS" quality column to DF information shown for each firing unit. Equals 100% - Blocking from all sources. + Added option to highlight firing unit locations and show fire lines when setting DF (Form Main Menu). + Added new information pop-up to show the reasons when units can not be selected for DF Orders. + Added New Preference: [Disable Manual Targeting to Preserve FOW]. When enabled, a player will be prevented from selecting or seeing a unit (friendly or enemy) for DF Orders if doing so would give him extra FOW info. Ignored at 'Novice' Level, but applies to all others (at the "FOW Locked level it has no additional effect). Set using Preferences | Game Values Tab. + Added ability to modify terrain effects globally on the map for conditions. Ex: Have "Shallow Water" act as "Clear" to model it being frozen. Accessed during New Game creation from the Set Scenario Weather Periods Form. Can be viewed in the game using: S-2 Officer | [Show Current Weather] + Added checkbox option on Unit Movement Form to return to the original map view when the form is closed. + Can click on the Staff Officer Message Recap text at the start of the turn to scroll to and highlight the unit on the map and automatically open the Unit Editing Form. + The AI will no longer assign default "Stay Behind the HQ" SOP orders to units or wpn systems with "Recon" or "Motorcycle" or "Bicycle" in their names, assuming that in most cases these units will be used in a reconnaissance/forward role. Players can still set this SOP value manually.+ Added the unit "Command Delay" to the Unit Movement Form for the currently selected/focus unit. + Added Composite Unit and Loading/Passenger status to the "Units In Loc" Form (pops-up when on a location with units in it). Loading Status values are: "Car" = carrier, "Psgr" = internal passenger, and "Tow" = Towed or other external passenger. + The range between a unit and its own exploding munitions is adjusted slightly based on if the unit is moving and/or an aircraft to better model the situational dynamics. + Added the impact location modifications for creating craters and igniting terrain fire to the Combat Report for rounds over 500g. Shown for Display Levels 4 and 5 only. + Can now access the "Main Menu -> Preferences -> Performance" Tab when there is no active game(other Tabs are disabled). + Loading Status Form: now when clicking grid, the selected unit's position is shown on the map/offmap display. + Updated the "Place Units On Map Form" unit "Load" status codes to be easier to understand and more informative. Also updated the Help File for the Form to reflect changes and to be more descriptive. + Commo system bandwidth updated to more easily handle rates at or over 1G. + Added "Search" function to TEC Data Editor, along with Comments field and other minor improvements. + Added checks for current passenger loading status and orders when issuing new load commands + Added more unit info on Unit Loading Form. + New "Unit Highlight Dots" displayed on the map -> Main Menu | Display | Units. Each unit/composite has a unique color based on its higher HQ (so formations are the same general “shade” of color). 'Dot' size denotes unit level, shape denotes unit type (Circle=Pers, Square=Veh, Diamond=Gun; Triangle (Up/Down)=Air/Naval). Dot display can be set to show, only the selected unit, the selected unit's formation (up and shown a desired number of levels), and/or the entire force. + Added Unit Highlight Dot editing to the Unit Information Form ? Other Tab. Dot shapes, sizes, and colors can be edited for a single unit, formation, and/or unit stacking type. + The current location stacking limits are shown at the bottom of the Terrain Information Form ( on the location). The total stacking cost of *KNOWN* units is also displayed. + Added Unit ID# to unit name display options. Each unit in the force is assigned a sequential number/ID, which can be displayed at the beginning of the unit name on the force tree, mouse-over, and most forms. This can help distinguishing between units with similar-looking names. It also indicates composite units (a dash followed by the sub-unit index). + Adjusted Movement Orders Form so that is will not be displayed if no units in the selected location can be given orders. + Selecting an empty location on the map will now clear the selected unit. + A 'Legend' is now displayed to translate the single character order codes shown in the movement path on the map. The Legend form can be moved/closed as desired. Once closed it will not reappear in the current session). + Added option to apply a straight percent adjustment to Accy and ROF for each gun system in a scenario to mode differences from the "Data Table" values (which are entered as on a firing range). + Added pulses and seconds per turn info to S-2 Officer screen + Added more detail to unit Movement Index//Description. ============================= 10 Sep 21: POA v2.5.20 TU v1.02.20 ============================= * Some graphics (such as flags and icons) weren't always displaying correctly in x64. * Forms weren't showing up correctly/program locking up when the Windows Task Bar position was set to 'Screen Top'. * Tweaked fatigue routines to better model extra fatigue from terrain and grades. * The AI was not always setting firing unit facings to better engage higher value targets. * The circle graphic for Arty and other impacts on the map was not being drawn to scale or animated (if the user animation setting on). * Arty/IF Form wasn't being cleared between missions if the second mission wasn't possible (so the opposing player could potentially see some friendly force information). * Player control (AI vs Human) is now set to original values when players continue playing past the end of a scenario, after having selected "Reveal All" in the Game Results Form. * Fixed an issue in the movement editing mode that sometimes prevented changes from being made (introduced in the previous version). * Fixed Mouse-Over text for objects - types weren't always being shown. * Fixed [Show Prohib Locs On Map...] display when button clicked on Unit Movement Commands Form. White means OK, dark gray is prohibited/unreachable. * Fixed a form-sizing issue with the Penetration Graph Form when it displayed below minimum size. * Adjusted the routines that determine if a unit can occupy an IP - limited the "cargo cost" check to only personnel unit types (was blocking vehicles/guns set to more than one cargo point). * Corrected a floating point error in firing routines when target was in an IP. * Fixed an ".... is not a valid integer value" error during the combat phase. * The AI now automatically re-routes Maneuver Group units to objectives left unoccupied due to losses & other combat results. * Fixed a recently-introduced EEFACE error when adding new weapons to TO&E forces when the wpn system was used by multiple unrelated nations. * Some forms were allowed to remain open at the end of a player's turn which allowed for crashes if later clicked or closed. * Corrected a problem with Composite Units not moving when the HQ unit was loaded on a carrier and the carrier had orders to stay more than 1-hex distance behind the HQ. * Fixed an omission with units not appearing on the map for Turn 1 when the TFHQ was not yet in play (reinforcement) or a passenger. * Fixed an issue where friendly units weren't always being drawn on the map if they were in the same loc as one or more partially-known enemy units. * Corrected an issue with Maneuver Groups when the Group's HQ is a reinforcement - selecting the Group resulted in a new one being created. * Firing locs/lines weren't always being erased correctly at the end of each segment in the combat pulse. * Fixed an error in the movement routines when AI assistance was required to complete an order - for example, issuing an altitude change orders to a helicopter before loading passengers on the ground. * Corrected a problem when viewing Sensors in the Select by Country & Type Form; was not always showing multiple type sensors (e.g., Visual and Radio). * Fixed a typo in the code that didn't show any wpnsys armor angles, even if valid, if the wpnsys had an invalid turret front armor value. * Corrected an EEFFAC access error in the WpnSys Data Editor when selecting Special Systems for a new Wpn System created after deleting an existing one. + Redid Noise/Sound Detection Routines to be more explicit. + Added Noise Level Fields to WpnSys, Gun, and Ammo Data Tables (movement, firing, impact/detonation). + Added the detection method (sight, sound, radar, etc.) to reporting info. + Updated Maneuver Group map display: all defined groups shown, with the selected group in red. Arrow/Obj Loc colors are user-changeable, but default to blue/green shades. + Added additional detail to S-3 Staff Officer messages for then units can't move due to SOP considerations. + Tweaked S-3 display to show carrier's speed info for passenger units, marked with an asterisk (*). + Updated Detailed Unit Info Form for In-Flight units (missiles, rockets, large arty, etc.). + Added extra diagnostic messages when multi-core operation fails at system memory allocation in LOS routines. + Improved the Maneuver Group AI in terms of assigning units to objectives, especially in terms of keep formations together and in achieving all objectives faster. + Added a direct link to Force Tree Display Settings Form: on any blank area of the Tree View Panel (i.e., not over a unit). + Created 64 bit (x64) version (now the default). + Added additional status messages for IF/support missions. + All messages become timed in AI vs AI games if not timed by default. The timeout duration is 20 sec. + "S" now scrolls the map down, it's identical to pressing "X" (which is also still valid). + The Arrow Keys now scroll the map in the appropriate direction. + Added utility to change Map Hexline Display Values via Main Menu | Display | Adjust Map Layers -> Click [Edit Line Defs]. Note: there are the actual hexlines/hexsides on the map which are used for all game purposes (movement, targeting/LOS, etc.) - NOT the cosmetic symbols placed on top of them. + Added new Unit Speed setting so now Road speed can be set separately from Cross-Country/Offroad. + Redid Movement AI routines to be faster and more capable. + Added a new S-3 staff officer notice when a unit can't move out of its current location due to either a permanent or temporary condition. + Updated sighting routines to execute faster, and instituted true multi-core capability. + Updated Airdrop Form to show expected damage probabilities, and to uniformly enable/disable editing whether displayed from the Staff Officer Form or Main Menu. + Added paradrop icon on map for units in-air. + Adjusted paradrop damage routine models, and aircraft exit and landing are now individual loss determinations. + Added option to show reinforcement icon as the turn number on the Force Tree instead of the default clock. + Updated the "In IP" text and option on the Unit Info Form. + Added an auto-check/adjust for ammo accy curves where last value was significantly out of range (applies mostly to older data tables) + Paradrop units upon exiting the aircraft are sighted to the same level (including being not sighted) as the aircraft itself for all in-play units. + Added parachute size for targets in the air. Parachute sizes are standardized and based on the suspended wpn system weight and type (cargo vs. person). + Paradrop injury statistics added to the Combat Report on Max Detail Level. + Parachute drop rate now affected by altitude. + Updated Movement Order Index/Legend to better display remaining float time for In Air/Paradropped units. + Revamped terrain fire routines for wrecks, ammo detonations/ explosions, and spreading. + Added new Wreck Display form which shows qtys of material on-board, expected smoke generation over time graph, and terrain fire probability. + Added "Terrain Flammability Rating" to Ground Conditions Data Table, and in-scenario Weather Periods and Current Conditions. Included AI to set default values. + Unit Info Form | Movement Tab: Ordered speeds now shown as a % of Wpn System max. + Added additional information to the "Translate Orders" button/utility when giving movement orders (Unit Movement and Unit Info Forms). + Added a new "Show Adj Loc Times" display option when giving orders (at bottom left of Movement Orders Form). - Shows the cost of each loc adjacent to the last loc in the path. - Detailed info added to Mouse-over text for each loc. - Does not apply to aircraft. + Slow unit movement rates (from terrain, conditions, grades, etc.) are now flagged and shown in the S-3 Staff Officer messages. + "Road/Offroad Speed set to Zero" now explicitly flagged in the Unit Info Form, and also in the "Translate Orders" report. + When selecting to change SOP and other values from the Force Settings Form, the Unit Into Form is displayed and the changes made there. This allows for a consistent interface and for changes to be propagated to multiple units. + Added option to auto-check program version when game first loaded. Can also access via Help | and Help | About (button) + Added new FOW setting "Override Normal Orders Delay For Current Player": Main Menu | Preferences | General Tab | [Fog of War Settings]. While enabled, the player's units will have zero command delay and no internal unit friction. Can't be set in 2-player games, or if Friendly FOW is ON (FOW Level > 2). + Added linked help files that automatically paste in the content of another related help file. ============================= 12 May 18: TU v1.02.10; POA v2.5.11 ============================= * Reinstated the block on giving fixed-wing (non-hover capable) aircraft DF and IF orders. They are limited to using the CAS routines for attacks. * Corrected an access error when firing at units inside an IP after the IP has collapsed/rubbled from previous rounds. * Mines now prevented from being placed in prohibited terrain or water (using Mine Data Table value for type). The AI will no longer place naval mines. * Reinforcement units arriving on the map are now "brought up to date" with FOW from their HQ and subordinate units already on the map. A note is shown when the TF is one of the arriving units since the display may change significantly. * Fixed "Division by zero" error when starting a new game and checking "Use Default Weather Periods". * Turn and Whole Game Replays were not being saved properly and could not be viewed in saved game files (from updated compiler changes). * Light (10-25) and Heavy (>25) Suppression Tabs reversed on Force SOP Settings Form. * Removed Auto-Recon orders from human controlled units (Auto-Recon assignment is limited to AI controlled units, but human units can have these orders if the force control was switched). * Fixed DF/IF status flags on Unit Info Form6* * Info message now appears after clicking Turn Replay if there is no saved data to display. * Fixed "Division by Zero" error when clicking "Show All Paths" checkbox on Movement Orders Form when no units int eh force have current orders * Adjusted AI determinations for some unit "stay behind HQ" distance values. .When encountered were off by a factor of 100. * Corrected recent issue where friendly units shown in a different loc than their actual position due to FOW had their movement path objective shifted by one hex if they had existing movement orders. * Adjusted the end-of-turn routines to automatically ask to save the file in 2-player games (for PBeM). * Corrected command delay typo/error - messenger time was almost always 1 second. * Fixed EEFACE when giving movement orders to units that have future load/unload orders. * Fixed EEFACE error in combat phase in some situations where AI was considering more than 3 area targets (recon by fire). * Fixed error when changing nation flags after adding/deleting a new nation. * Corrected nation deletion routines - was changing subsequent nations to the one being deleted. * Mouse Auto-Scroll Band Width and Delay Up-Down Arrows were reversed on Preferences Form. * Fixed EEFACE error loading some TU stock scenarios. * Fixed occasional "Invalid Pointer Error" on closing. * Corrected issue where some composite sub-units would have their speed set to zero after being issued orders by the AI . * Fixed situation where Player 1's map would be shown when Player 2 was logging in or viewing combat. * Map and Operational Graphics Layer visibility settings now saved with the OPS file. Operational layers all turned ON by default. * Corrected an EEFACE error in arty routines from a line of testing code inadvertently left in. * Implemented a workaround to a 'Grid Index Out Of Range' error caused by an internal compiler issue when clicking on the map to place a unit after clicking a button on the Place Units On Map Form. * Added a start of check of Composite Units to see if any sub-units have different entry/reinforcement turns. Users can choose to split them up, or it is done automatically after turn 1. The check is done after placement and also at the start of each turn. * Corrected issue with AI not assigning targets because it deemed friendly/civ units too close,to the tgt or in the LOF. Hew restrictions: - Must be within +/- 20 degrees of azimuth. - If on friendly side of target, must be more than 10 meters forward of firer. - If on far side of target, must be closer then ? the firing range. * Adjusted turn sequence so a "clean blank" map is always shown when a player is logging-in. * Removed the extraneous black arrow that sometimes appeared after giving post-unload orders to passengers. * Fixed issue where symbols sometimes disappeared after the game was saved as a scenario. * Fixed intermittent EEFACE error when setting IF Targets in a loc with partly known enemy units when using the Main Menu | Command | Target with Indirect Fire option. * "NO AI Orders" SOP setting was being ignored for recon/radiation-detection type units. * 'Emplaced' flag wasn't being correctly updated when units became passengers. * Blocked mouse-clicks during AI/CAI processing and setup phases. * Corrected occasional AI placement of flank obstacles in the main field instead. * Corrected random access/EEFACE error when objects (IP's, obstacles, bridges, etc.) subjected to DE attacks. * Fixed error deleting existing hexside type obstacles (concertina, tank ditch, etc.) * Fixed loading error "sysGeoMap.xxx not found" when loading in a saved game. * No units, bridges, etc. shown after initial file loading for 2 player games (was sometimes showing enemy forces). * Corrected FOW Location translation error when showing firing lines (either appeared incorrectly or not at all). * Fixed occasional combat phase lock-up due to new streamlined chain of command routines. * "Exit auto-run on combat" checkbox now set correctly when the option is turned on. * Fixed EEFACE error from clicking on blank portion of force selection window. * Unit Size icons now changed correctly in force selection window when unit levels changed by hand. * Adjusted AI flank assignment routines to move evenly allocate formations between flanks. * Fixed issue with units not displaying correctly after being moved during placement. * Flank units now show up correctly after being initially added to the force. * Corrected the Place Units on Map Form unit grid - sometimes the selected row continued to move with the mouse pointer after clicking (which could also give an 'Out of Range' error). * Fixed an issue with AI move path formulation through prohibited locs due to terrain FOW (an option which is currently disabled). + "Stay Behind HQ" Move SOP setting ignored if the HQ is loaded on the moving unit. + Added ability to set the active player when loading a two-person scenario. + Added nation flag graphics for each side's Victory Location Objectives (both actual and potential). + Added notifications in the mouse-over text for Victory Location Objectives (both actual and false/potential) + Added a timed pop-up notice when a unit is selected on the Force Tree but is a passenger; in which case the display is changed to its carrier instead . Can be set to "not show" in Preferences. + Added an information notice when giving movement orders and some units in the location are passengers (and not selectable). Can be set to "not show" in Preferences. + Adjusted the Auto-Adjust Map sequence so that existing non-scenario games do not need to be saved in order to keep the terrain/elev changes. + Added Utility to copy existing/current TEC entries between Ground Conditions. + Added Leader picture to Data Editing Form. + The Zoom-In button stays depressed when clicked to indicate "zoom-in mode". Can be "un-clicked" to cancel the zoom. + Added "Report Form To Top" button on Main Form for when Combat Report Form "Stay On Top" option is not checked, and it disappears behind other forms. + Streamlined the Obstacles Form (used to Add/EditDelete). + "TF HQ Replaced" message now only shown on turns that it changes between any two units - not every turn where the original TFHQ is out of command. + Added ability to propagate value changes to other units from Detailed Unit Info Form (checkbox at bottom). + Added "n/a" and pop-up msg to IP Data Table Editor for 'Interior Hgt' field if the IP has no overhead cover (can't be set). + Added "stacking/Loc space" check for IP placement (both human and AI). + Added discrete "Set Qty" step when manually adding new IP's to the map, along with more reasonable default value (instead of always 1). + Adjusted 'After-Unload Orders' form to allow for better control of composite unit considerations, and also show previously unloaded passengers. + Log-in form no longer closes automatically in 2-player games when password not set. + Impact sounds now played whether impact loc is shown or not (previously Reporting Level had to be Level 4+). + Added more info on Engineering Systems in the Detailed Weapon Info Form. + Edit Unit Data now cycles for Composite Units when called from Staff Officer and saves the Last Viewed Tab unit to unit. + Added ability to edit Default Map Display Vals in Preferences. These values will be applied by default to all newly created games, or games in the Setup Phase or Turn 1 when loaded in. + Appropriate Display Layers turned on automatically when in an Object-type Mode (IP's, mines, obstacles, etc.). + "Exit Combat Phase on Action" option now operates in AI vs AI games by allowing human to give orders to both forces. + Added checkbox in Commo Staff Officer to show all steps up the chain of command. + Updated Wpn Sys Detail Info Mobility Tab value text to be clearer. + Updated Unit Info Data Form to be more explicit with text, colors, shading, hints and buttons to what values can be changed or not. + Added notes when units have AI-assigned Auto-Recon orders: S-3 Officer, Movement Form, Unit Info Form (Movement Tab) , Move Orders Description Form. + Corrected significant slow-down caused by latest Windows 10 update & also sped up most graphics processing. + Combat Reporting Form now does not automatically come back to the top after new action text is displayed. + Added additional info in combat report when a unit takers damage/loss when not specificalluy targeted (DF only). + Added and [OK] button to MOPP Form when adding/renaming MOPP systems (was confusing as to how to proceed). ============================= 19 Jun 17: TU v1.2.01 (Beta 1) ============================= * Fixed off-map movement paths that either were not being shown at all, or were being shown on-map instead. + Added "Auto-Created Leaders". Leaders can now be created during the Force Setup Phase using defined ranks in the Nation Data Table and a text file with last names for each country ("LeaderNames.TXT"). Users may edit this file if desired (scroll to the end of the file for instructions). ============================= 23 May 17: POA v2.5.09 A13 (Beta) ============================= * Player placement/turn order wasn't being switched when an existing scenario was returned ot the setup phase and the player defend/attack missions reversed. * Blocked user adjustment of "Acting HQ" assignments. If not set properly, could freeze program execution. * Unit Info Form 'Actual HQ' Drop-Down was showing "Above TF HQ" if the HQ unit had been destroyed. Now the HQ unit is shown, but with "[KIA!]" added to the name. * Corrected auto-add routines in scenario creation so that craters are not placed in water/other non-cratering terrain (was "over-spill" from non-water hexes). * Added a size option of -1 for IP's to indicate that they are "Full Hex" (actual dimension will depend on the map scale). * Corrected some display issues with the Force/Flank/Leaders Selection Form. * Completely reworked the DF Targeting Form to be more explicit/user friendly and allow more flexibility for Firing Groups/Targets. * Adjusted FOW Levels on Combat Reporting Form to better match actual effects. * Corrected an issue where the Mfg Country was not being properly selected by default when choosing a new WpnSys in TO&E. * Added new checks and blocks for when TO&E formations do not have a WpnSys set for an HQ (in DataView and Scenario selection) * Objects were sometimes having modifications applied for non-applicable unit levels (morale, training, discipline, etc.). * Corrected an issue in some Info Display Forms where the text was unreadable/chopped off/etc. * Corrected a problem in the AI location analysis routines for movement (i.e. "Hex Value") Was introduced in the previous version. * Adjusted routines that "Fit Form On Screen" to work consistently with Win10, including Main Form. * Total added/artificial illumination from flares, fires, wrecks, etc., can not exceed 80% of max daylight level. * Fixed issue where some values weren't being saved properly on the Set PPD IF Fire Form. Also added some new features incl setting unit name display formats. * Map Notes weren't always being shown in the mouse-over text box. * Fixed a lock-up when more than one non-composite unit was given orders to clear the same urban/IP location. * Fixed "Target couldn't be created" status messages in XO Staff Officer Targeting report ([Show All Unit vs Unit Targeting]). * Unit movement paths displayed on the map weren't always being removed when selecting other units or changing orders modes. * Adjusted dust creation for round impacts and explosions - wasn't always being added. Rubble creation now also automatically adds dust outside of the action that caused it. * Fixed an FOW issue where friendly units were not being properly shown on the map even though they were known. * Corrected issue that sometimes prevented existing arty missions having their ammo values changed. * Corrected crater "over-spill" into adjacent hexes/locs. Was sometimes being artificially truncated. * Fixed a major movement path/command error when detachments were created by combat actions and the AI subsequently gave them (or their parent) orders in reaction to perceived enemy threats. Also sometimes affected other units. * When selecting to fire DF at an an area target, the check routines now only verify the LOS - not sighted/known values. * Human vs. Human games now always return to player control after the combat phase (auto-run settings ignored). * Updated the AI to rotate the hull when firing a turret-mounted gun when the turret can't be rotated. * Fixed an error where sometimes the correct time and conditions were not being displayed in the Setup Phase. * Updated the WpnSys Data Table Editor Form - was showing double first columns, and can now set name of new system when adding. * Fixed an intermittent c++ access error when an artillery impact detonated multiple mines without any other units nearby. * Fixed a number of incorrect size values in the IP Data Table. * Corrected C++ error in Composite Units Form * Fixed access error when selecting "Specialized Engr Op" from Engineering Operations Form. * Added a "Water Placement OK" flag to IP's; IP's and obstacles placed in prohibited terrain from previous saves are now automatically removed. * VP's weren't being added back when player-placed objects (IP's, mines, etc.) were removed from the map. * Limited situational auto-unloading to ground units. * Stopped the Main Form Pop-up menu from auto-selecting options. * Fixed "Cut/Copy/Paste" pop-up menu functions from Force Selection Form; now also highlight updated units on tree. * 'Done' button now always enabled after force selection on low Expert Levels. * Fixed an intermittent c++ access error in the AI force auto-selection process. * Corrected issues with New Game Checklist form: - was showing incorrect steps completed - was not completely resetting after closing - was not displaying correct Personnel VP totals. * Fixed "Div by zero" floating point error in Shoot & Scoot determination routines. * Corrected an issue with sighting under low light conditions - was "overflowing" and acting as if in full light. * Lowered mechanical breakdown probabilities (for movement). * LOS wasn't being displayed in replay (at Level 6) for units that were destroyed during the turn. * TO&E Form was re-sizing properly below a certain size. * Fixed intermittent error showing nation force, mission, and control (AI vs. Human) on Loading Form. + Updated Turn Combat/Action Reporting to better preserve FOW and also show more results info. + Adjusted force auto-selection routines; now more heavily weighted towards combat arms over support type formations. + Added new options to speed up sighting (Preferences | Performance): - "Aggregate Units of Same Type": all units of the same general type (Infantry, AFV, etc.)in a loc are considered a single 'unit' for sighting purposes (as spotter or tgt) and use avg values for unit values and equipment. - Min Visible Target Size: A random determination is made to skip checking to the LOS to targets of this apparent size (in Min of Arc) or smaller. - Quick LOS Blocking check: The blocking points (as %) in the spot and tgt locs are totaled, and a random determination made to see if the LOS should be skipped (60% blocked, 60% chance of being skipped). + Arty Missions Form now shows message while processing. + Mouse Wheel now zooms in/out on map. Zoom-in centers on mouse position. + Optimized LOS sighting routines + Added options to use multi-core processors/threading: Set in Preferences | Performance. Currently only used for Turn Detection Phase. + Updated AI to better unload units when they get into locs threatened by enemy fire. + Added automatic checks for visible display layers when new game loaded, or player logs in. + Adjusted LOS X-Section Form to be re-sizable. + Adjusted Main Form to make re-sizing smoother. + Modified hexside obstacles to be a single side (instead of N/S/E/W) + Updated FOW for obstacles to be more realistic. + Expanded set-up sequence and controls to give players more options and information on the steps and sequence. + Added check if primary map display layers enabled when game first shown. + Adjusted max possible known level for enemy personnel in IP's, based on IP blocking: 30%=Level 4 Max; 50+%: Level 3 Max. + Updated Engineering Operations Form to be more intuitive, and to show more information and feedback on actions. + Added option to remove unit FOW from combat reports in games with at least one AI player (use Arrow Control on Reporting Form). It affects ONLY the text shown; normal FOW and limitation remains in effect for all purposes. + Added "Suppression to S-1 Staff Officer, and also as an option for 'mouse-over' text (Preferences | Map/Colors" + Changed "Move Timeouts" caption on Combat Reporting Form to "AI Move Timeouts", and added a descriptive mouse-over hint. + Added "additional Illum" level to mouse-over text (from flares, fires, etc.) + Added and option to "Zoom out for Air Movement" in the combat phase instead of just doing it by default. + Added option to stop the auto-close countdown for the LOS Form during the Combat Phase/Replay (Detail Level 6) + Updated the Set Initial Conditions Form (when creating new games) - Nation selection now on top, and country name shown in header. + Improved ammo selection AI to better account for "area" effects from HE, flame, incendiary, etc. + Leader casualty status now shown in S-1 screen, incl from all previous turns. + Additional unit symbols added. + FSO (arty) Staff Officer now shows a list of all IF units and allows player the option to see their existing missions & possible targeting locations. + Added checks for invalid weapons systems when creating/editing scenarios. + Updated Composite Units Editing Form to be more user-friendly & allow multi-selection. + Added option to remove a carrier from a Composite Unit Group after unloading passengers (if they are in the same group). This creates a separate unit for the carrier. + Updated Unloading Form to be easier to use and provide more information on Composite Unit Group status and on how to keep them together. + "Added "TRP:" to the info text string for them in the Location Information Box. + Expanded range of Scenario/Day Part Dust and Foliage adjustment levels to 2000% (20x normal) from 200% (2x normal). + Changed TEC Dust Adjustment Value to be a straight percent instead of a relative value between 0 and 10. + Adjusted the Weather Periods Form - now easier to use, and more analytic when adjusting the number of periods per day. Also added a button to change the current time. + IP dimensions now in centimeters (cm) instead of decimeters (dm). + Added timed info-box showing max ammo ranges for firing unit when selecting DF targets. + Added ammo max range text to Weapons Systems Info form. + Added button on Unit Info Form to reset all unit symbols to the default values in the Weapon Systems Data Table. + The "Show Unit" and "Show Terrain" display toggles are automatically turned on at the start of a player's turn / combat phase. + Any "Currently Selected Locs" are reset when entering the Staff Officers Form to reduce confusion. + Added a display box that shows weapon system for selected FRIENDLY units. for options and Main Menu | Preferences for On/OFF toggle. + All accy calcs are now based strictly on CEP/actual deviation of the round at range & tgt size. + Round CEP/deviation past the defined max range are now adaptively extrapolated from previous curve values instead of simple exponential/straight line. + IP combat routines updated to be more detailed and include aiming specifically at opening/ports, and over walls. + Updated to a newer compiler version. + Added and additional "set-up checklist control" after force selection to show what steps have been done, and which can (or must) be performed before the game can begin. + Improved and optimized the AI routines for selecting smoke arty targets. + Completely updated the AirDrops form to be more user friendly, to allow editing after missions initially saved, and also to show more information on each pass/stick. + The Arty Missions Form was updated to be clearer, and added icons to the Tree View to show the status of potential calling/spotting units: OK, no LOS and/or too long commo delay. + Arty/IF impacts now shown individually on the map & saved for the mission. A slightly darker color is used for spotting rounds. The size will reflect the blast radius (within set minimum/maximum sizes based on zoom level). + Added ability for users to adjust and change the automatic unit name creation scheme when selecting units form the TO&E. + Added a new Preference for how unit info and name strings are displayed during the game. Preferences | Display [Set Unit Name Format]. + The combat report now shows estimated crater sizes. + Updated CAS Staff Officer display on the map - the mission heading, start point, strafing/weapon release points are now shown. + Made the CAS Missions form more user-friendly, added processing status messages and additional information instructions. + Added additional reporting for smoke/dust/chem/nuclear generation from impacts, fires, wrecks, movement, etc. (higher detail levels only). + Added option to show the movement paths for all the unit in the force when giving orders ("Show All Paths" checkbox). + Adjusted DF Targeting Form to show more info, and also the max ranges are displayed on the map for all weapons in the selected unit (that have ammo). + "Engage Armored Tgts With Small Arms" SOP now set to "NO" for older games (before it was implemented) when they are loaded in. + Added more detail to "No Files Found In Folder message" when looking for Tutorials or Scenarios, and not just any saved games. + Added checkbox to S-3 Staff Officer Form to show weapon system in the Name field. + Updated Victory Results screen to show more detailed info. + Added new sub-form to more easily set basic armor material properties and see results immediately. + Added a new "Set Firing Group Quantity" sub-panel for greater ease of use. + Added new Movement SOP orders - units can now stay behind "line" units, or at some distance (+/-) relative to their HQ. Automatically set by the AI, and also updated for saved games. + Added new option to change SOP orders for ALL units regardless of Type or Weapons System in Unit Info Form (subject to Force vs. Formation selection). + "ESC" key now resets/removes the selected unit and display when not in an orders-type mode. + Added "Sort By File Date" to Load A Saved Game/Scenario Form. + Saving an existing game 'As A Scenario' and resetting to the Start now resets the Force Placement set-up steps to 'not complete'; same for resetting FOW & initial disclosure. + Added "DF / IF Impact Sound" to Ammo Data Table. Firing and impact sounds are now applied as expected for all guns and ammos (as opposed to only CAS and ARTY previously). If no IF sound set, DF is used in all situations. + Can now play sounds for Close Combat (right after units identified), and for surrenders. NOTE: These sound files may not be included/applicable for all titles. + Added option to change Command Radius display color. + Made WpnSys Accy and Range modifier effects easier to understand. Accy modifier affects base CEP for all firing; Range affects only AI firing decisions (120% of adjusted). + Added additional info for units when deciding to engage in Close Combat. + Updated graphics file finding and loading procedures to be faster and to show a message if loading fails. + Added more detailed descriptions of unit morale levels and for personnel when not moving. + AI now assigns reinforcement entry locations (player must still specify entry turns - the AI will not pick any units to be reinforcements on its own). + Added additional info to "Placement Checks Form". Click the (?) graphic for each section, as applicable. ============================= 18 Jul 14: TU v1.00.11 (beta n); POA v2.5.07 (beta n) ============================= 14 Jul 14: * Corrected error that often placing cratering locs on the top/bottom edge of the map. * Updated commo routines - weren't correctly using composite group or "co-located" units if the HQ didn't have commo equipment. * Corrected occasional c++ access error when placing cursor over "hot" off-map units. * Completed arty missions were not being saved for reference. * Artillery mission ROF's were not being reset after automatically changing to FFE because the spotter was unable to preform as such. * Artillery reports were not being properly displayed in the combat results. * Updated memory usage register to give more accurate results on newer computers. * Corrected MOE Report (end of game) where some player 1 values were being shown for player 2. * Adjusted CAS AI to increase altitude for strafing runs. * Fixed access error in routine that checks for collateral damage from explosions - the positions of individual mines within a minefield were being taken incorrectly. * Fixed an error when selecting a previous step in the New Game Checklist Form before all steps had been completed. * Redid the Staff Officer Form to be more informative, faster, and to eliminate potential access errors when clicking or selecting things while the form is performing an lengthy analysis/evaluation. * Leader casualties weren't showing up in the combat report. Also added notice to S-1 Staff Officer report. * Corrected cursor being "stuck" in "Waiting" mode after the IF Mission Form was finished initializing. * Bridges were not being placed by default in new scenarios. All existing games (set-up or in-progress) will be updated if no bridges have been otherwise placed. * Passenger units were incorrectly reported as being "out of ammo" in the XO Staff Officer comments. * Firing Line colors weren't being applied correctly. * Fixed an access error when targeting an area with a weapon that had not been previously fired. * Updated passenger unloading routines when carrier takes fires/damage. HQ element can now unload at any time, not just at the end; portions of units will automatically recombine if possible. * Updated "Stay Behind" SOP AI determinations to be less restrictive. * Offmap movement paths were not being shown. * Fixed an issue where CAS altitude and airspeed orders were sometimes being ignored at mission inception. * Corrected a firing issue where multiple rounds per second were always being rounded down to the nearest whole number. Fractional part now accounted for and added in as appropriate. * Corrected a display problem in the accuracy curve graph on the Penetration Form; added option to show as CEP. * Units can now move through HQ's in their change of command even if it causes an over-stack. However, the unit speed and other factors for both the moving and stationary units will be degraded. This keeps HQ's with the "Stay Behind" SOP setting from jamming up movement if they find themselves "in front" of their subordinates. + Added New "Penetration Report" for all gun/ammo combinations. . + Strafing runs now occur hex-by-hex instead of all at once. + Updated CAS reporting to show more info, including aircraft location during strafing runs, information on the run/mission status, and completion reason. + Revamped CAS AI to be more effective at target and weapon selection, and also in the type of ammo and qty fired/dropped. + Added status message when unit FOW is updated after setting/changing game FOW level. + Added info on Force Tree saying why it is not active. + Added additional Staff Officer messages for situational reporting. + Added option to show all Staff Officer messages for the entire force: Main Menu | Staff Officers | Show All Messages. + The "Spotting Loc" indicator now shows on the map after selecting the loc in a Point-to-Point LOS operation. + Some orders issued in the Set-Up Phase (not Turn 1) are now applied immediately so long as the unit has no other orders that prevent it. These include: Altitude, Up/Down a level, Emplace, Formation/March Mode, Facing, Enter/Leave IP, Join another unit, Load/Unload, MOPP, Speed, Enter/Exit tunnel. All other commands, including directionals, remain as standard orders in the unit's queue. + Updated Unit Loading Form to show more information and be easier to use. + Added "Reference Values" for Penetration - allows for easy entry of reference source info and comparison to modeled effects. + The Max LOS Range is now in "Atmospheric Conditions"instead of "Ground Conditions". + When adjusting Max LOS Range/Precipitation levels, the AI makes a check to see if they are relatively out of sync. + Added "Stay on Top" option for Combat Reporting form. + Added additional reporting for CAS run aborts that do not cancel the run or mission. + Added additional AI to automatically unload units even when they are not being engaged. Occurs for three reasons: - When the carrier is highly vulnerable to known (to it) enemy units. Psgrs continue on, carrier finds cover. - When the psgr units should engage valuable enemy targets. Psgrs stay in dismount loc and engage, carrier finds cover. - When a fast-moving threat appears (aircraft). Units stay in their location. In all cases, the AI will reload the psgrs as appropriate, and continue on as before. + Added "Auto-Crew" weapon systems/sub units feature to better model guns and other equipment that have different sizes and damage characteristics than their (exposed) human crew. This update had several parts: - A new field was added to the Weapons Systems Data Table named "IND Crew Req" (Independent Crew Required); it is the number of crew normally assigned to each gun. If this value is 1 or more, then the system will require a suitable co-located crew unit in order to fire (i.e., this field specifies which guns require a crew). - Added a new flag to the Weapons Systems Table to identify which weapons systems qualify as "Auto-Crew" types (i.e., this flag specifies which systems can act as a crew to a gun). - Added AI to automatically create appropriate crew weapons systems and units in games that do not already have them. Note: crew systems may already be created in the TO&E or initial force selection - the AI will not change these systems or units. It only insures that guns requiring crews have them. - In order to operate the gun, crew units MUST be part of the gun's Composite Unit and also in the same location as the gun. A gun with missing crew will not be able to fire, and one with a reduced crew will have its ROF and accuracy reduced. - Morale effects are applied to crews as with any other unit; it may prevent them from operating the gun, and may also cause them to temporarily abandon the gun if running for cover, breaking, etc. - AI routines were written to manage crew assignments, re-manning, and other dynamic effects that occur from combat action. - Crew units have no extra stacking or loading costs when they are with their assigned gun. + Added additional messages and formatting to the combat reports, with emphasis on IF/arty. + Added extra check to insure forms/windows are never opened in Minimized Mode. + Added "Spotted" column to FSO Staff Officer info - shows unit, commo method and time. + Added auto-check when selecting units for a new game to see if there are any communications discrepancies due to equipment incompatibilities between HQ's and subordinate units. 24 Jan * Adjusted accuracy and sighting routine calls from the SandBox form - some weren't "wired in". + Added additional CAS reporting in ALO Staff Officer. + Updated Shoot & Scoot Routines. Added additional reporting and AI to manage firing/target units. + Added new progress status boxes for file searching and other game functions. 21 Dec * Corrected a memory issue introduced in previous build that generated random last-known levels. This led to excessive friendly-fire, among other effects. + Added "Continue Game" option for AI vs AI or single player games. Appears when Scenario Results Form is closed. + Adjusted AI targeting for small arms against buttoned-up armored targets. 15 Dec + Added Gun/Ammo Accuracy/CEP Report to Gun Data Table (Main Menu | Tools). + Updated TU Gun Data Table to include new accuracy options, corrected errors as found, and renamed systems to be more descriptive. A few new guns were also added. + Accy/CEP values can now be loaded in from another file. + Default Accy Templates (one for IF and one for DF) are now saved with the gun entry for future reference. + Added new Accy curve editing/adjustment tools. 15 Nov * Accuracy values now saved as floating point values for added precision, and as CEP values instead of "hit prob" to increase modeling accuracy. + Added user-definable accuracy templates, including a utility to show which existing template a gun most closely matches and the variation between that system and the template. + Added the ability to adjust accuracy as hit %, CEP or MOA. + Added a user-definable "reference gun" list to assist in setting ranges/accy based on system similarity/comparison. + "Reference Gun Type" and "Gun Caliber" were added as a fields to the Gun Data table, and can be used for sorting. 1 Oct * Updated Obstacle placement for hexside-type features. Added limits for placement in water/terrain types. + Updated TU data tables to be more descriptive and to use improved IF accuracy using CEP values. + Added "Cancel" option when loading in WpnSys pictures. + Added ability to modify Mfg Countries in Gun Data Table. + Added semi-automatic CEP calculation for IF weapons / Analysis Form. + Updated Ammo Penetration Form to allow for firing gun selection. 29 Jun * Edit Gun Data Table now shows either CEP or Hit Prob for accuracy (Change using Tools/Options Menu choice or by setting accuracy values). 21 May 13 * Adjusted Combat Report/Display to better preserve FOW. * Status boxes no longer shown for enemy units (introduced in last release version). 14 May 13 * Corrected issue on Load Game Form where the selection changed after clicking on a title if the mouse was moved while the game's info was loading. * Fixed access error when bringing up Preferences without a game loaded in (introduced in last beta). ============================= 10 May 13: TU v1.00.10 (beta b); POA v2.5.06 (beta b) ============================= 10 May 13 * Corrected issue with Object Placement Points not being correctly displayed. * Updated TEC file for craters/rubble and some buildings types. * Corrected "Out of Memory/Resources" error. + Updated Load Saved Game Form to find files faster, and show when no files are in the currently selected folder. ============================= 3 May 13: TU v1.00.10 (beta); POA v2.5.06 (beta) ============================= 3 May + Added new setting for when to show the "?" on the map based on how old the information report is. Set in Main Menu | Preferences | Display Tab. Defaults to 60 sec (POA) and 300 sec (TU). + Added "[Cleared]" to IP description in mouse-over text if cleared and known to the current player. 29 Apr * Adjusted movement from morale state changes (incl Run To Cover) to ignore urban clearing SOP's, and any Maneuver Group wait orders. They also ignore any speed settings. * Units clearing IP's are now always assumed to be occupying them. + Unit Info Form now shows when units are clearing an IP; on un-checking the status box, users are given options of how to proceed. + Lanes (though minefields/obstacles) only displayed at known level 4 or greater. 15 Apr * Corrected an error when selecting a Wpn System symbol with alphabetic sort on. + Updated setup routines to be smoother and for forms to provide more information. + Added "Clearing IP" to S-3 officer comments, and also unit mouse over text strings (if "Show Speed" is on). 20 Mar + Updated all unloading routines. + Added info box after "Fire into this loc" check + Adjusted the Load Game/Scenario form more versatile with scenario/tutorial files. + AI now no longer cross-loads when autoloading a force (cross-loading is when a psgr in Comp. Unit A is loaded on a carrier from Comp Unit B). + Adjusted SOP Engage Range display/entry on the Force Settings Form (Main Menu | Staff Officers | Force/SOP Settings). 22 Feb 13 * IP Data Table did not include secondary types that could occupy the IP (e.g., personnel couldn't occupy gun positions, etc.). * Corrected "Used By Country" in WpnsData printout. + Updated the "Unload Units" Form. + Added a new "Enter IP" form to provide more specific information about IP capabilities, occupancy, and damage. + Long-range/Offmap form button now stays up down. The form position is also checked to make sure it is on the screen every time the program is loaded. 14 Jan 13 * Corrected occasional access error in XO: Show All Unit vs. Unit Targeting utility. * Couldn't select an ADC3 map/sym set in the TEC Data Table editor (only ADC2). * Fixed "double" symbol showing up for some objects (showed both symbol and "letter in square" graphic). * Corrected an issue where units sometimes wouldn't enter an IP if they were moving. * New Show Formation Pointers for Selected Unit display option wasn't working. + Added a new random elevation/terrain utility - automatically available for new games when completing the New Scenario Checklist sequence (before placing units). Must be at highest Expert Level. + Improved orders "resetting" and cursor performance when switching between modes. + Adjusted cursors for file loading/saving. + Added additional details on IP status to the info shown when editing or "translating" unit movement orders. + Improved unit auto-naming when selecting or editing a force. Original names are now saved in case the game is reloaded later. + Force units are now shown in order of size (large to small) on all displays. 20 Dec 12 * Corrected Main Menu not always being correctly re-enabled when returning from some operations that required it to be partially or completely turned off. + Improved Map Area caption fonts/sizes to make them more readable. + Spruced up some of the graphics to include arrows and to make firing lines and movement paths "permanent" on the map (not lost by redrawing fresh). + Expanded Animation Settings options. Instead of 3 general levels, each option can now be toggled independently. Set in Main Menu | Preferences or the Combat Reporting Window. + Added ability to set Firing Line colors for each player, and also to adjust the size and whether or not the line is drawn with a contrasting border. The default color is the primary color of the player's units on the map. + Improved file finding and loading performance. + LOS Form now "stay on top", and when initially displayed its position is always checked to make sure it's at least partially on screen. 27 Nov 12 + Weapon "Test Fire" button on Weapon Info Form now plays the sound even if the master game sound toggle is off. ============================= 2 Nov 12: TU v1.00.09; POA v2.5.05 ============================= 2 Nov 12 * Corrected c++ error in FOW routines that we sometimes attempting to show off-map reinforcements. * Some LOS streamlining routines were not properly implemented and were causing performance decreases, and occasional recoverable/harmless c++ errors. + Added new Formation Pointer option: ALL. Set via Main Menu | Display | Map Overlays | Formation Pointers, or from the Hex Information Form (Ctrl+H or Main Menu | Bring Current Location information To Top to show). 12 Oct 12 * Weapons System Data Table - "IF OK" mounting option was reversed (not shown when should have been, and vice-versa). * When setting "Used-By Country" for Weapons System, [Cancel] was clearing all entries. * Data Entry Forms were not being updated (# of rows, names, values) when different databases were loaded in. + Added a status bar to bottom of Nations Form to indicate when the program is searching for/loading flags and national graphics. The form is also now locked during these procedures (closing in the middle of the search cased a crash). + Changed Gun reliability to a floating point number for better accuracy and flexibility. + Added utility to copy ammo adjustment values between Gun ammo types in Gun Data Table. + Added 1-Story Masonry Building type to the TEC. + Adjusted file-finding routines in the TEC/Symbol Linker to be quicker and more user-friendly. + Added a utility to reset all unit ammo qtys to default at start of game (set-up or turn 1). Main Menu | Commands | Reset Ammo Qtys At Start. Not active for 2-player games. 4 Sep 12 * Corrected Ground Conditions display on Main Form Info Panel. * Corrected and issue on the New Scenario Checklist where force qty's weren't being updated properly after deleting units. * Adjusted the map display of linear obstacles (such as concertina) - now displayed as a line on the hexside where they are located (they were being shown as a circle symbol at the center of the location). * Removed "Wood Building" IP's if they exist in locations with "Aggregate" IP types (town, village, city, etc.). * Adjusted symbol file finding routines to be more efficient and updated manual selection form to include new symbol file type (.TST and .UST extensions). ============================= 24 Aug 12: TU v1.00.08; POA v2.5.04 ============================= 24 Aug 12 + Re-arranged the default file configuration so that a single TEC file is now shared by all titles in the TSS series. This file is saved in the common "..\HPS Shared\TSS\TSS Data" folder. + Implemented a new symbol file scheme where units are now separate from terrain. This requires fewer files and makes it easier for users to edit and share custom symbol sets. + Updated File-finding and game load-in permanent IP verification routines so that games load in significantly faster. 3 Aug 12 * Craters and rubble were not appearing on the map. Issue was display-only: they still had combat effects. * Fixed an access error when selecting a Soviet MG Company. 30 Jul 12 + Reworked data tables so that ammunition muzzle velocity, accuracy, and range values are stored as part of the gun data instead of with the ammo itself. This allows for easier and more accurate characterization of an ammo model as it is fired by different guns. + Added a new data entry form for entering and checking ammunition values as they are stored with individual guns and weapons systems, which also displays the "effective accuracy" curve for the round in each firing configuration. The form also allows users to set the target used in the analysis (either a defined weapons system or a discrete value), and view/edit comments. This form is displayed by clicking the appropriate button at the bottom of the Ammunition Data Table or Gun/Launcher Data Table forms. + Improved the Accuracy Curve editor form to make it easier to copy form existing curves. + Improved the AI targeting routines for small arms and light weapons. + Clicking on the "Auto-advance" line on the Combat Reporting form now displays a detailed box allowing users to select any option instead of simply toggling the current option on/off. * Adjusted ammunition maximum ranges and accuracy curves to better match historical performance; most affected were small arms of all types and field guns that fire both IF and DF. + Added new combat SOP setting for Small Arms: "Fire only if unbuttoned". This setting also requires that the expected suppression from firing will be greater than 20% (to either force the target to button up, or possibly kill the exposed crew/commander). * Corrected access error in sighting phase when the target was the last unit (in the array) and an object (IP, obstacle, etc.). * Corrected AI targeting issue for shells with very large damage/blast radii ("freezing" the game for a VERY long time during AI processing). 7 Jun 12 * Corrected an access error in AI Targeting routines when the AI was attempting to fire at a unit previously targeted in a location with a burning wreck that completely obscured vision. * Corrected an access error when in Maneuver Group Objective Mode from clicking on the map without any Objective Sets defined (now asks to add automatically or abort operation). * Unit Movement Form: the "Enter Tunnel" button was enabled erroneously in some cases with surface-access IP's. * Adjusted Unit Movement Form size - was cutting off the "collapse up" button at the bottom when fully expanded. + Added new option for small arms fire against armored targets: NEVER. Unit Info Form | Combat SOP. + If the map being loaded uses a "default" TEC file from any title in the TSS series, the default TEC for the title will be used instead. For example, if a map links to "Standard.TEC", which is the default for POA, the file "TSS_EF_39-42.TEC" will be used instead if the user is running TU. This helps reduce confusion and errors for common types of files shared between the titles. + Improved AI to handle situations where a defending player must advance to contest an objective. Though, such situations should be set up as meeting engagements, if at all possible. 31 May 12 * Smoke LOS points were based on 1000m location size, instead of 100m. * Corrected error where LOS maximum range wasn't being set correctly at the start of games, only when the weather period changed. + Added option to break apart composite units when unloading from the Unit Movement form. This allows the carrier to move to a different location than the passengers after dismounting, or for the passengers themselves to have different objectives or for some to stay loaded. 25 May 12 * Passenger units unloading from carrier damage/loss now continue moving towards their final objective (or the carrier's if they didn't have one of their own). * Corrected "Issue order to other units..." options in Set Reaction Orders when in composite unit mode. * Combat Reporting Form position wasn't always being saved correctly on closing. * Command delay was being added in error for automatic formation change orders. * Single system (qty=1) immobilized sub-units were not being removed from composite units. + Set focus back to Main Form after the Current Location Information is displayed (so mouse-overs and map scroll are still active). + Force Settings Form: Added "Reset Col Widths" menu option. + Composite Units Form: Added Main Menu Options to allow users to determine which group box elements are re-sized with the form. 16 May 12 * Removed an incorrect "divide by 100" modifier to LOS blocking values introduced in the 20 Apr update. This also corrected a floating point/division by zero error when showing some LOS's or having the LOS appear as a vertical line. * Corrected multiple display of same ammo on Unit Info Form | Status Tab. * Made AI more aggressive in detouring units around previously unknown obstacles when moving. * Smoke generation from wrecks had been removed for testing in a previous version and not reinstated. * Computer/AI-issued pause commands for "hold position" reaction orders now comes AFTER orders for loading/unloading actions (so units load/unload immediately - they don't wait). * Corrected a c++ error in the Armor Data Table Editor when clicking [Check Penetration] button. + Added a list of terrain TEC indexes in each interval to the mouse-over detailed interval results on the LOS Cross-section Form (under the Legend). + Adjusted "Reaction Orders" informational text on Unit Info Form | General SOP Tab. + Added the code "*IMMOB*" to text strings for units that are immobilized (also applies to composite units if at least one unit in the group is immobilized). + Added the ability for units to "go around" objects while staying within the location; tactical movement mode is required, and 20 seconds are added as a delay. + Added another LOS fidelity setting: Now "Quick", "Normal", and "Fine". + Tweaked smoke/dust display on LOS Cross-section form to better conform to ground surface contour. + Adjusted SITREP reporting so that messengers/visual signaling can be used to transmit the information: on average once every 15 minutes for messengers, and every 5 minutes for visual (if the information hasn't already been sent another way). + When units are blocked by obstacles and have to detour or cancel their movement, a note is added to the S-3 staff officer comments to that effect. In addition, if playing without "Friendly FOW", the obstacle is automatically made known to the TF HQ at level 1 (if not already known). + Simplified and optimized "last known" level determination routines using FOW settings. + Adjusted Reaction Order "hold position" time - was flat 5 min, now between 2 and 10 min, depending on situation (suppression, losses, morale, aggressiveness); never exceeds 10% of time remaining in game. 20 Apr 12 * Corrected the LOS Cross-section Form not displaying long LOS's properly. * Corrected several control hint/tool-tips on the Set Player/Force Nation Form. + Reformatted detailed combat reports and added notices when impact angle is shallow (10 degrees or less). ============================= 6 Apr 12: TU v1.00.07; POA v2.5.03 ============================= 5 Apr 12 * Corrected game closing issue when ending a scenario early and clicking "Reveal All" on Results Form. + Added "hot keys" to scroll map: A,a, or 4: scroll left; D, d or 6: scroll right; W, w or 8: scroll up; X, x or 2to scroll down. Main Form must be active/focused. 3 Apr 12 * Staff Officers Form automatically closed (if visible) on end of player's turn. * Main Menu disabled during combat phase. + Adjusted text and hint captions on "Issue SOP Orders to Other units" panel (Unit Data Form) to be more informative and specific to the unit's situation. + Added option to clear unit movement paths for each force (if applicable) when a turn 1 game file is initially loaded. This provides an easy way to remove unwanted paths entered by the scenario designer. Main Menu | Command | Clear All Unit Orders At Start of Game. To clear paths in the set-up phase, use the [Reset Move Formation] or [Rest Move Force] buttons on the placement form. + Updated the Damage panel on Unit Information form to only show guns and systems applicable to the unit/weapon. + Removed "thousands separator" comma from the text in most up/down editing boxes. + Added "Fred Last Turn" unit status dot (Preferences | Display). 27 Mar 12 * Corrected size of village, town, and city IP types in the IP data table (were too small). * Adjusted form that shows terrain in a location - it was sometimes incorrectly showing a "double entry" for Permanent IP's (buildings). * Corrected an error where Urban/Close-in SOP orders weren't being correctly assigned to other units in the force when selected to do so. * Removed "Temp Avail" entries from Staff Officers and Force SOP Settings forms (these were units created temporarily for combat or other operation purposes) + Expanded LOS cross-section to show when "point" type features (buildings, obstacles, etc.) are in a location, but the LOS misses (passes-through) them; they have no effect. + Force tree returns to original selection/display after completing operations initiated by clicking on it. + SOP orders given to a composite unit HQ are now no longer automatically issued to the other sub-units in the composite unit. + Added text on Force SOP Settings Form showing the weapon system(s) of the selected unit/composite group. 16 Mar 12 * Corrected an access error when giving unit orders to enter an IP if there were also unknown IP's in the location. 13 Mar 12 * Corrected an intermittent c++ error introduced in last update when composite unit passengers are unloaded and the composite unit HQ was not the carrier. * Corrected c++ error when detachments assigned to composite units were unloaded. + Added option to change unit facing arrow colors (Preferences Form). ============================= 10 Mar 12: TU v1.00.06; POA v2.5.02 ============================= 9 Mar 12 + Improved AI facing choices (while maintaining FOW). + Added weapons system info to "mouse over" tool tip on the Unit Movement Form for units in upper left selection box. + Added codes in Maneuver Groups Form to show why units aren't considered part of a group when they "should be". * Corrected a problem where "keep detachments with maneuver group" was not always being applied properly. * Corrected problem where movement orders weren't always being added after right-clicking on a unit and issuing load/unload commands. 6 Mar 12 * When a Maneuver Group is removed, all sub-units have their movement paths cleared of all orders. + Added "facing arrow" option: or Main Menu | Display | Unit Display or Preferences | Unit Colors. Bright red: hull, dark red: turret. One set for each firing group. + Adjusted auto-run to apply to human vs. AI games as well as AI vs. AI. Settings made on AI settings form and Combat report now applied to the "session", not as permanent "preferences". 27 Feb 12 * Revamped Reinforcement placement and initial AI movement routines. Now include reminder form at start of turn and more info in S-1 staff officer screen. Added "NEW!" before unit name. NOTE: new reinforcements have zero command delay during the orders phase when they enter the game (both AI and human players). * Corrected a maneuver group issue where units would potentially stop moving when Player 1's TFHQ was selected as the group's parent. 14 Feb 12 * Corrected reported DF range value in combat phase - wasn't including altitude (though calcs accounted for it). + Updated Air/CAS mission status reporting in MOE report. 11 Feb 12 * Corrected composite mode check box being reset in 2-player games. Now the same setting is used for both players. * Corrected potential situations where units could overload carrier limits as passengers. * Improved the map display of areas/objectives to update from user actions. + Detachments are now automatically part of any composite group they were spawned from, no longer need to have the setting on. + Adjusted Order Mode/Buttons and Menu Options enabling/disabling to be more aware of current orders mode. + Adjusted implementation of "HQ Stay Behind Formation" SOP settings so that it does not include loaded units. + Added option to display sequence number on Maneuver Group objective locs shown on map (1 is first, 2 is second, etc.). 2 Feb 12 * LOS Resolution wasn't being displayed properly on Main Form. * Fixed "Enter Player Turn/Password Form" Quit button. * Fixed "too much info" being shown about enemy force on "New Scenario" Checklist Form (was showing #units, etc. instead of just VP's). * Corrected "strange" values in Level 6 combat reports for values that should have been shown as zero/not used. + Two-player games now always asks to save at end of each turn (and has a reminder for PbeM games). + All preference settings are now GLOBAL (they apply to all scenarios loaded). 31 Jan 12 + Added descriptions for wrecks listing what systems they were. + Added a filter to automatically remove extraneous on-hand ammunition quantities. 26 Jan 12 * Corrected "Floating Point" error is Staff Officers screen when showing Status Report description/information text at bottom of form under very specific situations. * Corrected Call For IF Form "Has Mission" column to show if unit has any mission still in the FDC queue (was only showing if the target was active/valid). Also adjusted the ammo selection form to be IF-specific. + Moved "Unit Display Type" panel to be adjacent to the "Turn" command button group on the Main Form so it is always visible. + Added additional firing information when setting gun/ammo and facing info from Unit Information Form (Firing Groups Tab). + Disabled turret setting on Unit Info Form / Firing Groups Tab for systems without a turret (setting it had no effect). 23 Jan 12 + Combat Reporting settings added to Preferences Form. + Added Ctrl+C to toggle Composite Unit Mode 20 Jan 12 * Showing the About Box no longer disables the main form force tree. * Zooming-in no longer erases "hot unit" movement path (if it is displayed). * Corrected an issue with composite units when HQ killed, units was reverting to TF HQ control. 17 Jan 12 * Corrected combat reporting Hit Qty display to account for the combat fidelity multiplier setting (where the hit/miss result of one round is automatically applied to other rounds to save time). Kill/damage results were displayed correctly since they are always evaluated one at a time. * Fixed an error in fatigue calculations - modification for low time elapsed since scenario start. * Corrected "Used IR Flag" check mark on Unit Info form. * Destroyed units no longer selectable from force tree. * "Ceased firing" combat report message now FOW-sensitive. * Corrected FOW issue where some buildings/Permanent IP's weren't being shown as "known". + Added "Exit IP" command to movement orders form, so don't have to go to Unit Information form. + Extraneous Cancel button removed from SOP and DF Targeting Results Forms. 12 Jan 11 * Blocked ability to go into a different orders mode when already in one (can't be in two at the same time!). * Blank map display was sometimes drawing projected unit positions (shown when player log-in form was visible). * DF "target this loc" now no longer displays units that are not sighted by the current "hot unit" (was showing non-sighted units in their last-known positions). + Made the "Cancel" button more "operation aware" so it can't be clicked accidentally in the middle of giving some types of orders. + Updated Victory Conditions - including making the end-game form more informative, and adding a tool-tip hint when the mouse is placed over the indication on the main form. + When issuing unit movement orders, if a user "un-selects" the focus/hot unit on the firm, another automatically replaces it. 9 Jan 11 * Blocked editing from the Terrain/TEC Link Info Form in the main module. 6 Jan 11 + Added SOP option not to fire small arms at buttoned-up armored targets for suppression purposes when no reasonable kill probability exists (<1%). + Reworded artillery mission form info box to be more descriptive on lower expert levels. * Corrected Unit Detail Info "Vehicles hang-back" and "Clear buildings room-by-room" checkbox tool tips. 5 Jan 11 + Consolidated progress bars onto main form. + No longer show Password/Player box at start of turns for single-player games. + Added "Don't show again" option for save game dialog that appears at the end of each player's turn (in 2-player games). 3 Jan 11 * Fixed access error when selecting "Main Menu | Reports | Show Terrain/TEC Links" when a geomorphic map was loaded. * When opening the Scenario Selection box to load a new game, the current game is temporarily saved and then reloaded if cancel is selected (no new scenario is chosen to be loaded). 2 Jan 12 * Fixed "Domain" error in Sandbox utility when target was an aircraft. + Added "Always Use Nation Table Colors" preference for unit symbols (Preferences | Unit Colors). When selected, this overrides symbol colors set in the scenario. ============================= 31 Dec 11: TU v1.00.05; POA v2.5.01 ============================= 31 Dec 11 * Can now select custom ORG files (nations, TO&E's, etc) when setting up a new game. * Adjusted data tables for new "stationary unit" rotation scheme. + Streamlined load/unload process. + Improved the IF Mission form "Results panel" to provide more info on unit firing status. ============================= 23 Dec 11: TU v1.00.04 ============================= 22 Dec 11 * Updated Staff Officer Form to allow for column resizing. * Adjusted reporting for fire against non-armored targets. * Corrected issue with towed units not being able to swivel to engage targets. * Blocked exception error when opening Preferences form before loading a game. + Updated map display when FOW turned off (level zero). 19 Dec 11 * Corrected access error in FOW message precessing routines when a unit knew of, and was sending messages on all other units in the game. * Fixed access error if opening Preferences menu before a game is loaded. + Updated wrecks symbol, and now place it above fire/smoke. Also added smoke and dust to "mouse-over". ============================= 15 Dec 11: TU v1.00.03 ============================= 15 Dec 11: * Corrected issues with the Staff Officers where clicking on a cell/tab before a previous operation was completed sometimes caused a c++ error (clicks are now blocked until the process has finished). Also optimized some of the longer-duration processes to execute faster. * Corrected the symbol set to include the NATO view. * No longer show checkbox for, or list of, possible inconsistencies when closing Ammo and Weapons System Data forms. * Several Weapons System Database typos corrected. ============================= 12 Dec 11: TU v1.00.02 ============================= 12 Dec 11: * Corrected glitch in file-find routines that affected some installs to "non-HPS Simulations\" locations. * Corrected access error when attempting to place IP's during an in-progress scenario. * Corrected access error when AI was attempting to issue run-to-cover orders to units that had just completed a previous set of AI issued orders. + Added additional text to Commo Staff Officer: Range to HQ field. Now it also shows the total distance between you (the TFHQ) and the unit, and the number of intermediate steps in the chain of command. This enables you to keep your units near their immediate HQ, but also gives an indication of why the command delay might be longer than the simple range would suggest. ============================= 9 Dec 11: TU v1.00.01 =============================